Sage Stitchworks' Punched Paper Embroidery Victorian Motto Sampler Needlework Kits: News & Info

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Location: United States

Brand-centric Graphic Designer. Eco-conscious Cool Hunter that loves Jesus, Family, Art, Pop Culture, Nature, Big Cities, Museums, Coffee, my Bicycle — Life!

Monday, December 19, 2005

I just spoke with the U.S. Postal Service and they cannot guarantee delivery by Christmas Eve using Priority Mail after the 20th (Tuesday). If you need your order to arrive by Christmas Eve, please call me with your order so that we can arrange a speedier shipping solution and calculate the costs. Hope you are almost done with your shopping and ready to relax and enjoy the rest of the remaining days until Christmas!
~ 1-479-783-1889 ~

Here is a Chart of Some of the Shipping Options
and Approximate Prices from UPS:
(Calculated from today's date: 12-20-05. I used California as a
destination for estimating purposes)

UPS 2nd Day Air®
Guaranteed by: By End of Day Thursday December 22, 2005 ~
UPS 3 Day Select®
Guaranteed by: By End of Day Friday December 23, 2005 ~
UPS Ground
Guaranteed by: By End of Day Wednesday December 28, 2005 ~

~ Jennifer
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